
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Wind Blown Dress Sketch

So i stumbled upon this website that people post "looks" on and then they get 'hot' and you can rate them and etc. And since I am obsessed with the human figure- and like photography and fashion is intriguing me...this site called 'lookbooknu' is where I found this picture posted and decided to sketch it for fun.

The paper is originally this color, (as seen above) and I couldn't photograph the details that well...
but yeah. So the dress is gorgeous in the picture! I wanted to capture the flowyness of the entire scene...
sketch practice!
I'm thinking about doing a series on these? Maybe in watercolor? Just play a little bit.

Monday, June 25, 2012

I love it when people say...

"I don't get it...anyone could do that."

I love it when i hear people say this. I seriously just chuckle to myself. People are telling each other all the time, "I could've painted that!" or  "how is that art? That looks easy"
 Well guess what. You didn't do it yourself. And it is art.

i do understand where people are coming from...some paintings look like a second grader could have made them, and others are just lines..etc etc. But the simple fact is- is if the artist intended it to be art...and created it- and it has meaning to them? It is art. And someone else, could not do it. They could not do it because they could not experience the EXACT same feeling or drive that compelled them to produce a piece of art...

There is a beauty and a grace, i think, that lies within the idea of art itself. it is almost like meditating. I am unsure if any artist honestly thinks- im going to create the best painting in the universe- or sculpt the most awesome sculpture ever... and im sure some do- but i think the desire to create is just a natural one, and by fullfilling that desire- comes works of art.
Some people throw paint at a canvas, and yeah you could do it too. But the reason the artist did it- is probably not the reason someone else did it..

And in a sense everyone is an artist. Anyone can create. Everyone feels. It's just the idea of tuning into your creativity, and emotions and experiecing art that defines what artists do...

Understanding this universal communication, through expression and emotion- it's not something everyone is going to go ahead, and claim it's not art. But you just don't like what you don't know:)