
Thursday, August 9, 2012

arn't we..."victims of society"?

Who decides...
what is okay?
Thin is good.
The American Dream?
Society- concludes everything. But if we are all amounting up to what society expects us to be, then how will we ever know what we actually are?
It seems to me that everyone is a people pleaser- especially with the case to please there parents. Why is it that these people who have raised us- determine what we do is not good enough? And as much as we don't want to- we try to please them. make them proud? Is it engraved into our system that we have to outdo them and be acceptable to their standards?
Because arn't parents equivilent to the whispers of society. No one plainly writes out, what is okay. and what isn't. But if not everyone is doing it, it's wrong. insane. mental?
What if those who are mental- are actually right. They see what is real.
Because what even is real?
If we are blinded by societies preconcieved notions about what the norm is, or what is okay...then we are all victims of society!
Why can't we go for what we want...because someone we love doesn't want to?
To try and please someone else? Because we are afraid of losing them...
we are afraid.
That is the reason we succumb to societies expectations.
We are scared to be different, to lead the way, to try and amount to what we hope to be..and possibly fail.
If we are afraid, then we are scared of something not quite real. Fear.
Fear makes us victims of society.
Bravery, the cure to expected.