
Monday, November 19, 2012

"Picking my Own Battles"

Today, I had a crit in my casting class.
And I was really excited about this piece- thought I had come a long way, given it a lot of thought...
And of course it didn't turn out how i intented it too.
We had to create a creature out of styrofoam, to be cast in aluminum.
And if that WASNT HARD enough. Sculpture is about EVERYTHING. what you use, how you craft it, if you place in a certain corner if you leave two dots on it instead of three...
anyways, after struggling with the styrofoam I ended up with this octopus thing. And when I layed it on it's side it looked like it could be coming out of something- so i thought I would create an installation and have this tetrapus attacking cars and miniture people!!!!
No. The sand was heavy to haul in, the lil people were too expensive for one time use at the hobby store and the cars didn't look right with the aluminum... wasn't as awesome as i thought.
My GTA, asked me how crit went..and I realized I can't be mad. Sculpture isn't my thing, I learned a lot. And its a process. He said hey sometimes you gotta pick your battles. And I realized he's right.
I'd much rather work extra hard and go all the way for my watercolor class tomorrow, then be pissy about my sculpture not being so hot, when I know I tried and I didn't want to spend extra money on something I wasn't fully into too...
Next time- i probably should draw my ideas out and pick apart each item and concept.
Next Time- I will for sure have a fully devloped idea.
Third times the charm:)