
Monday, April 2, 2012

* Philosphical Moment *

I was in the library today getting books for an architecture project we are doing in design. and I'm sitting there and I find this book about artwork with New York as it's content :) Heck yah! I get this huge smile and grab it and sit down in the asile and just flip through it....Not only am I obsessed with New York, but I am currently working on a mixed media collage piece about New York so it inspired me and made me all estatic cause it's my favorite place in the world ahaaa. Anyways-
Walking back to class thinking about all the books I found I had this philosophical- like life goal idea haha..

If I could make art, all my life and I'd be happy 24/7 and thatd be awesome. Yeah? Yah.
But if one of these pieces of art I make in my lifetime makes it into an art show or makes it into a book and someone stumbles upon it and it inspires them...or makes them feel something?
Then I will be satisfied with my art :)

1 comment:

  1. I believe that your work has been inspiring those around you for years.
    Take a step back and see how far you have grown as an artist this semester.
    The art shows come.
    And go.
    Your time is coming for you to experience the joys and successes of exhibiting your work, but in the meantime, try to remember you are preparing yourself, right now, for that day to come.
