
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Semester DEUX PoRtFoLio

This was a collage assignment. (For drawing- all of these were for drawing 2).
We had to experiment with the puch and pull affect.
I took pictures that I had taken while in New York and transfered them with Matte Medium- then I projected the image of the statue of liberty, and spray painted the wording and drew the subway map (painted actually). The words are lyrics to Coldplay's song "paradise".
I wanted to paint a little girl looking up at the satue of liberty...but I didn't think it would fit? And I liked the mystery of who the girl is and what it meant in relation to the New York theme..;)
The light has to catch the words right- so it was hard ot photograph:(

Still Life
goal was to focus on the architectual structures so I wanted to enhance the crate...

Still Life
My attempt to be more abstract and less realistic...
kind of a fail? I like realisim too much!

Monochromatic Wash
This was done with acyrilic. Never have used acrylic before except when working with transfer images! Can tell I love my oil paints:)
Kind looks like Miley Cryus right?

"Wash with added medium of choice"
I did the base still life with acyrilic gouche, and then took pastels to add detail.

Close up.
I thought it looked better than the actual piece...


  1. Corbie-
    In Paradise, I read the "girl" as stated in the lyrics as our Lady Liberty.
    Your exploration of mediums combined in the guache and pastel series is interesting, but they are not your strongest work.
    Your still life objects depicted in charcoal are pretty well rendered.
    You need to start taking into consideration the objects you combine for your still lifes. Always think about the relationships the objects have with one another. Subject matter. Rhythm and repetition with your markmaking and drafstmanship. Research deeper. Peace
    I hope you find this helpful, you are talented and I see your potential.

  2. Miley Cirus....the tongue in 2012. How prophetic. Really like your work. I've looked all through it too. Wondering how you spray paint the lettering?
