
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Poetic RaNT

quite frankly,
I don't want to hear you speak.
Don't want to hear what you think.
Tension as tight as a knot
can't even believe you got us caught up-
this nonsense can't even make sense
if we tried to map it out and trace back
to where the "x" marks the spot.
If you talk a little louder,
maybe everyone will want to hear less of what you have to say,
and if you slur a little more or talk over everyone else's words
maybe then
just then-
will your words stand a chance.
Just because your mouth is moving and the noise is coming out
does not mean it has worth to my ears.
The garbage that is polluting my mind
and stacking it's way to the ceiling of my brain
isn't really helping the headache I already have right now.
So I suggest you hold your tounge-
refrain yourself
from clouding up the neutral grounds that you have invaded.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Unexpected Artistic Breakdown

The day I am suppose to take my work to Art in the Park to show...
I pull out my old charcoals- the one's on here that are from highschool-
and realize...
this is shit.
Well okay not shit. But I used to worship these drawings- think I had skill, talent and- what the heck was i thinking??? no wonder I didn't make it into shows and such!
So why didn't I see that earlier on???
It's funny that you know when you've progressed- and your so estatic about your newest piece of art.
But then a ways down the road you've accelled and see the piece you made last year and think...
You can really see your progress!
And thank the lord for moms, who even told me how mature that is...
thanks mom cause this means I have very few things to show in the show thats happening tomorrow!!
But..That means I know what looks right- and that my art is progressing?? or at least changing..
I hope progressing!
So..after the artsy enlightenment of art in the park-
I need to create for myself. I need to keep doing it. And I can't stop- even if i feel that it looks like crap. All the crap builds up to the moment where it all makes sense.
(at least..thats how my cousin explained it more formally once)
As a women told me this weekend, this is the time to enjoy, explore and have fun with the process.
So..I better get on it;)


Are more emotional than women,
narcisstic beings-
that can't seem to wrap anyone else's idea's around their own brains.
If it didn't originate from their manly mind
or your idea is to twisted for their kind,
guess it's not okay-
push it back and bury it away...
If they don't understand,
it's never their own fault-
for the other being should have explained it better.
and these stereotypes could be thrown the other way.
Devious, teasing creatures.
With romantic whimsical ideas,
that are senseless and unproductive.
Horrible drivers, terrible at lying.
Cursed biologically with their moods-
unreasonable feelings and emotions
and too many tears that leak what the other being cannot ever see.
wouldn't it just be easier to be gay?

hahahaha this poem was freehandedly inspired by "revoluntionary road" the movie.
I just found that i had saved it as a draft!
Sooo as stressed as I am..
getting away for a few days in the artsy world has given me a breath of fresh air!!!
Just being imersed in all of the art, talking to all sorts of people and learning about the production and selling of your work...just a big ol learning experience bundled up into one thing!!!
         Witnessed first hand how presentation is everything, and my friend found a fabulous frame for one of my pieces!
          Got tons of feedback on my work, which was GREATLY needed..lots of people liked my style- even though I randomly put in a few newers works and some older ones last minute due to an unexpected artistically emotional breakdown the day before-
and that was awesome to hear because even if no one bought my work, people were interested and fascinated by my work! It did something for them!
And surprisingly many asked how much for my "Paradise" (New York Piece)...that was phenomenal to hear because that is a personal piece! I guess they noticed and that made it more attractive?
 So much happened in two days...
And the beautiful thing is, that I feel fresh on art. Even thought I'm not encouraged to finish my projects for school I am inspired to create for myself!
        And i can't wait to take a ceramic class! Those mint mugs were so adorable :)