
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sooo as stressed as I am..
getting away for a few days in the artsy world has given me a breath of fresh air!!!
Just being imersed in all of the art, talking to all sorts of people and learning about the production and selling of your work...just a big ol learning experience bundled up into one thing!!!
         Witnessed first hand how presentation is everything, and my friend found a fabulous frame for one of my pieces!
          Got tons of feedback on my work, which was GREATLY needed..lots of people liked my style- even though I randomly put in a few newers works and some older ones last minute due to an unexpected artistically emotional breakdown the day before-
and that was awesome to hear because even if no one bought my work, people were interested and fascinated by my work! It did something for them!
And surprisingly many asked how much for my "Paradise" (New York Piece)...that was phenomenal to hear because that is a personal piece! I guess they noticed and that made it more attractive?
 So much happened in two days...
And the beautiful thing is, that I feel fresh on art. Even thought I'm not encouraged to finish my projects for school I am inspired to create for myself!
        And i can't wait to take a ceramic class! Those mint mugs were so adorable :)

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