
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Poetic RaNT

quite frankly,
I don't want to hear you speak.
Don't want to hear what you think.
Tension as tight as a knot
can't even believe you got us caught up-
this nonsense can't even make sense
if we tried to map it out and trace back
to where the "x" marks the spot.
If you talk a little louder,
maybe everyone will want to hear less of what you have to say,
and if you slur a little more or talk over everyone else's words
maybe then
just then-
will your words stand a chance.
Just because your mouth is moving and the noise is coming out
does not mean it has worth to my ears.
The garbage that is polluting my mind
and stacking it's way to the ceiling of my brain
isn't really helping the headache I already have right now.
So I suggest you hold your tounge-
refrain yourself
from clouding up the neutral grounds that you have invaded.

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