
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Charcoal Drawings, Narratives and Explorations

"Glass Case of Emotions"
This was an assignment my senior year, we had to work with glass. So I chose to incorporate my interest- the figure, or portraits. And I settled on a piece that narrated a scene of being trapped by your own emotions.

This was a scene I photographed, and originally was using for my AP portfolio senior year in highschool.

This was also photographed and drawn for my senior year AP portfoilo.

"Passage of Time"
This assignment was to create a piece that showed time. And so I photgraphed myself in a clock and captured the relections. You can see me in the reflection and the clock appears on top.

"Little Sister Love"
I found this photograph and thought it would fit my thesis for my AP porfolio perfectly. Plus it always makes me laugh. We were in the car on our way to florida, and she was getting cranky and I was messing with her and when I pulled out my camera this is what I got.

"Self Portrait"
Yep. This is me, freshman year. My friend took this of me and I decided to draw it as pratice.

"Mike's Head"
I drew this for when I was focusing on candid images of people for my AP Portfolio.

Practicing charcoal drawings..
and getting use t othat awkward feeling of drawing other people when they don't know it...
and drawing other people when they happen to be one of your ex's...awkwarrdddd.

This is my first ever charcoal drawing, or narration. I set up the scene myself, and wanted to experiment with charcoal. I always had been a realistic artist and I had seen so many amazing charcoal pieces and I wanted to try!!! So this is what got me started in loving the use of charcoal and the process of photographing a scene and making it come alive.

"Oh la la"
Yep. This is me, ona bus to a french field trip- and I drew it. I know that lighting is bad but that is how the picture is. I drew this because I thought my concentration for my AP Portfolio was going to be "candid images"

              All of these were done my senior year of highschool, back in 2011. They were all done in CHARCOAL, my favorite means of drawing as of now. And some were assignments and others were done in hopes of using for my concentration for the AP Portfolio as I already said in some descriptions.
               I am into realisim, or photorealism. Even though it is a long process, and mine arn't exactly accurate, I like to represent things how people would see them, but with my own style. Allowing them to notice things they wouldn't normally notice on a first glance at a person. This is what I have discovered that I like most about doing portraits: I learn so much, and no person is alike in the way thay they smile, or the creases when their eyes squint or their lips curve!
               I like to create narratives in the scenes I set up and photograph. I then have mini photoshoots sometimes, playing with the lighting and the models in ways that I know would translate well when I draw the pictures out.
             I kinda misplaced my artist statement that I had for my AP Portfolio...which isn't good I realize this...;) but when I find it I'll post in a comment or something because It might affect the way you view these pieces!!



    I am so excited to see these drawings, they are fantastic!
    You rule!
    Hope your Spring Break is going well.

    1. Thanks Sarah! I was excited to see that you and your boyfriend have a show down in KCMO for a first friday!!!! back in my home area!!! thats way awesome! congrats and I really hope I can go to the opening!! :)
