
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Japanese Tea Ceremony

This is my design influenced by the Asian Culture. 
I picked the japanese tea ceremony to study and create a design about.
I looked at the intricate process of the tea ceremony, and all of the rituals and utensils used within the ceremony. However I decided to go with a more abstract design in order to focus more on the mediative and cultural experience withing the tea ceremony that is intended each time it is performed. One is supposed to appreciate each aspect of the tea ceremony, the spoons, cups bowls, art of the walls. EVERYTHING. The idea: "Chanoyu" is the main focus. It is to appreciate the aesthetic awakening of the performance of the ceremony as well as making and serving the tea.
I was inspired by the tapestries that hang in the tea garden rooms and modeled my design to posses this format while addressing the garden like path and strict lines like the ritual of the ceremony.

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