
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Figure Sketches

 I loooovvvewee thi figure. As weird as this sounds I can't wait for figure drawing classes that I have to take! I don't know why I have always liked the figure, just something about it really gets me! Maybe it's because its so complex, yet its so sinple. Or maybe because no two figures are alike. Yet they are so lively and so hard to capture even when they are just sitting!

These two sketches were done my senior year of course! The first model is Vanessa. I experimented with pastels. Mrs. Werts wanted us to layer so there are multiple drawings underneath and then I brought the final one out with highlights and the darkest points using charcoal and pastel.
This is Nick sleeping I think? Maybe Bobby... thats the pose they picked to model in!
anyways I used India Ink for this one, no skecth underneath- just freehand the india ink painting method.

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